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AGLOA Sponsors
Individuals and corporations have the opportunity to achieve:
Gold Thinker Level,
Silver Thinker Level,
or Bronze Thinker Level status.
Donations to AGLOA provide a special and critical margin of excellence. They help us expand the boundaries of knowledge. They enhance and expand what we do for students and for our schools. They make the dreams of academic recognition for worthy students come true. Please join us in this pursuit of excellence.
We thank the following sponsors for their support of Academic Games.
We’d like to thank for donating time and resources towards this website.
We’d like to thank Steely Eye for donating design resources.
We’d like to thank William Hill Promo for sponsoring us!
Contact us for more information.
Academic games have probably changed since you played. The longer you’ve been away, the more the changes will impress you.
One of many exciting projects on the AGLOA agenda is to re-establish contact with our alumni. We recognize you as a valuable resource, and we want to keep you posted on our growth. Please take a few minutes to let us know how we can contact you by completing your profile. Please also pass this information along to any other alumni you know.